Auckland Hospital Integrated Stroke Unit
Building Services Co-ordinator
PCC's Role
Chow Hill, Aurecon, Beca
Design Team
Focus Construction

Taiao Ora at Auckland Hospital is the first integrated stroke and rehabilitation unit in the country. Built on the old administration suite on level 5 of the hospital, this much-needed facility adds 41 beds, while allowing patients to have all their care delivered in a single facility.
With Covid-19 rampant during construction, the rest of the hospital needed to be operational at all times. Covid protocols added to the challenge, with passes from the government required to go onto the site, additional safety requirements and a supply chain shortage. Drilling could only take place at certain times due to patient operation and care schedules.
This new space puts patients and whānau at the centre of its care and enables patients to have the very best recovery journey, recognising research that clearly shows that stroke patients treated in an integrated unit have much better outcomes.