Andy Huang
Associate Engineer
A desire to blend the technical skills learnt during his Master of Engineering Science and his excellent communication skills led Andy to Pacific Commissioning’s door after graduating.
Andy views his role as being the communicator between sub-contractors and the client, ensuring that requirements on paper are translated into a workable reality on-site to meet the required standards and timelines, while managing the expectations of multiple stakeholders.
Goal driven with exceptional time management skills, Andy’s down to earth approach and focus on bringing all stakeholders together through open communication has won the praise of project teams.
As one of the new generation of engineers, Andy is driven by seeing a building transform from a 2D design to the final build and fulfilment of its intended use.

Recent Projects
Pacific Commissioning’s role: ICA
In 20 years' time, New Zealand’s aging population will triple in number, with a new generation of active retirees. The has brought about a transformation from the old model of retirement villages to homes and communities that help people live vibrant and fulfilling lifestyles in their retirement. Pacific Commissioning is working concurrently across six much-needed facilities for one of the country’s largest retirement village providers, Metlifecare. Pacific provides input at the beginning of the design phase, reviewing the consultant’s drawings to ensure the plans are commissionable, accessible and operable, right through to completion of construction, where the final build is assessed against the signed-off plans